Products & Services
Buy Now Features: Specifications: LEBOX MODEL X is one of the family member from EVPAD. It's customized design and specialized for North America user by EVPAD. LEBOX MODEL-X is truly simple to to use: Internet once connected, then good to go enjoy the streaming show. LEBOX MODEL-X provide more shows: Family member in any age enjoy any shows from different country of the world at any time, like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South East Asia, North America and so on. LEBOX MODEL-X equip with strong hardware Ultra-powerful performance of CPU -- H616 Processor High performance storage capacity 2G RAM + 32G ROM LEBOX MODEL-X has much stable connection WiFi 2.4GHz/5.8GHz Channel Categories: Hong Kong - 26 Taiwan - 162 China - 50 Malaysian - 81 Korean - 40 North Aamerican - 82 UK - 65 Japanese - 41 Bahasa Indonesia - 65 India - 34 Vietnanese - 10 Thailand - 19 Philippine - 14 Sport - 85 News - 68 Cambodia - 10 Movies Anime Episodes Drama Varieties and more |