Products & Services

HKE360 / GO360 Codes and Error Messages

1. App system error

Solution: Contact directly in sending this picture of error message
with Version No and Mac Address as shown.

2. #1403 Mismatch between Subscription Code and App/Device

Solution: App version is outdated. Re-instsall new version 3.7.8

3. #1402 Subscription Code Issue

Solution: Email us the following two pictures as shown below:
(1) picture of error message of #1402 with Member Number and
(2) picture with Version No and Mac Address.

4. #3 Recharged Failure

Solution: Email us the following two pictures as shown below:
(1) picture of error message of #3 with Member Number and
(2) picture with Version No and Mac Address.

5. Unable to Key-in on On-Screen Keyboard

Solution: Ignore and keep continue to key in all password digits and enter

6. Device Already Registered

Solution: Email this picture of error message with Version No and Mac Address as shown.

7. #6004 Verification Code Issue

Solution: Email this picture of error message with Version No and Mac Address as shown.

8. #6006 User Password Issue

Solution: Installation of trial version of app is not completed yet. Empty entries of Member ID and Password then click "Sign In" button for trial version instead of Login.

9. #6008 User Not Authorize for App/Device

Solution: Click "Sign In" button for trial version instead of Login.

10. #9004 Device Verification Failure

Solution: Email this picture of error message with Version No and Mac Address as shown.